Powdea automates mixing and dosing of powdery ingredients without dust emissions

Our Powdea team is excited about our latest project we got from a client in Belgium. It is a complete mixing and bagging line for powdery products. This is the first time we have delivered the entire package needed to mix and pack the products. The ingredients are mixed with Powdea ‘s Ribbon Blender 250, which is filled from the service platform.

The customer’s ingredients are very fine powders that form a huge amount of dust when handled. Therefore, the mixer was connected to the Powdea DustExtractor dust extraction unit, which starts automatically when the mixer service door is opened and completely removes dust. From the mixer, the ingredient mixture is transported to the Fillermatic ™  auger filler with our Easy Clean screw conveyor. Fillermatic ™ was also connected to the DustExctractor 850 to ensure efficient dust extraction. The mixing and bag line is controlled by the Siemens S7 plc and the touch screen interface. The PLC has an online modem that gives us full access to online diagnostics and software updates.


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